What I Read in September

Each month I look back at the books I’ve read and write a very brief review. This is what I read in September.

September was a bit of a strange month (strange in a good way!) I came back from one holiday (Shetland and Orkney), was home for a day and then went off to Norfolk for the weekend. Came back from Norfolk, fitted a bit of work in and then flew out to Beziers for a road trip through France, Andorra and Spain.

Consequently my reading was as much all over the place as I was. Though I did manage to finish four books in September, I actually read more than this,  but because I haven’t yet finished any of the other books I started reading I haven’t included them here.

Read on to find out more about what I read in September. Continue reading “What I Read in September”

What I Read in August

Each month I look back at the books I’ve read and write a very brief review. This is what I read in August.

This month I felt like I was getting back to my old ways as far as the number of books I read went. I used to average two books a week, but haven’t managed that for years. This month I read seven books which, whilst not quite two a week, was the best I’ve done in a while.

My tally for the month went up mainly because of my discovery last month of Marsali Taylor’s ‘Cass’ books. I read the first in the series last month, had another couple of paperbacks in the series with me in Shetland and quickly downloaded the rest on my Kindle. I then spent the first few weeks of the month ploughing through them.

Of course, being on holiday the entire month in Shetland and Orkney also gave me plenty of time for reading.

Read on to find out more about what I read in August. Continue reading “What I Read in August”

Walking to Fethaland

A sunny day provided the perfect opportunity for walking to Fethaland – the remote northern point of Shetland Mainland.

Fethaland is one of those ends of the earth places.

It’s at the northernmost tip of Mainland in Shetland (Mainland is the name of the main island in the archipelago), miles from anywhere. You drive (there’s no public transport) along narrow single-track roads, winding along the coast until you come to Isbister. Then you walk. Continue reading “Walking to Fethaland”

Why I’m Going to Shetland and Not Walking the Camino

I’d planned to spend the summer in the sun walking the Camino de Santiago. Instead I’m sitting on a ferry taking me to Shetland and all the weather the North Atlantic can throw at me.

Note: I wrote this post on my way to Shetland several weeks ago, but due to dodgy internet haven’t been able to post it until now. I haven’t changed the wording – this is what I was thinking as I sat on the ferry sailing out of Aberdeen on the eve of my birthday.

I’m typing this sitting in the cafeteria of the Hjaltland peering out at a grey sea and a grey sea mist. On the drive here hailstones battered my van; small ones, but lumps of ice none the less.

I should be on a plane flying to the Pyrenees and preparing to spend a summer in the sun. Yet once again I’ve packed my fleeces and my waterproofs and headed north. Continue reading “Why I’m Going to Shetland and Not Walking the Camino”

What I Read in July

Each month I look back at the books I’ve read and write a very brief review. This is what I read in July.

I read a bit more than I have been doing in July, partly because my workload was less intense, but mainly because I didn’t work at all in the last week and instead headed up to Shetland to spend time in my soul home where I can sit in my favourite conservatory and drink cups of coffee and read to my heart’s content. Read on to find out what I read in July. Continue reading “What I Read in July”

What I Read in June

Each month I look back at the books I’ve read and write a very brief review. This is what I read in June.

My reading plummeted again this month and I only managed to finish two books. I have so many books I want to read I get really frustrated when I don’t get the time. Still, it’s nearly time for my summer hols and so hopefully I’ll be able to do plenty of catching up. Read on to find out what I read in June. Continue reading “What I Read in June”

The Night I Went to Brewdog Beer School

A gift voucher for Brewdog Beer School gave me the excuse to drink lots of beer on a school night.

I like beer.

I don’t drink very often or very much, not because of any particular health or sobriety reasons, but because when I go out I’m usually driving and when I’m at home I’m more likely to feel like a cup of tea. Continue reading “The Night I Went to Brewdog Beer School”

A Rainy Saturday in Wolverhampton

I hadn’t planned on spending a rainy Saturday in Wolverhampton, but as I did I may as well tell you about it. Then you don’t have to. Unless you really want to of course.

I hadn’t planned on spending a rainy Saturday in Wolverhampton.

I hadn’t actually planned on visiting Wolverhampton at all.

I probably would have got there at some point as part of my unofficial mission to visit all the random cities of the UK that no-one really goes to, but it hadn’t been my intention to go there this weekend. Continue reading “A Rainy Saturday in Wolverhampton”

Reflections on 50 – life goals

As it gets closer to my BIG birthday I’m reflecting on life before 50 and wondering what life after 50 will be like.

In a few short months I’ll be turning 50.

I haven’t got used to the idea of being 40 yet, so 50 seems like something that isn’t really happening to me – it’s happening to some other version of myself in a parallel universe.

When I read an article in a newspaper for example, and it says something like, ‘Jane Brown, 43, did blah blah blah’, my first thought will often be, Continue reading “Reflections on 50 – life goals”