A Day out to Liverpool to Visit the Sickert Exhibition

A visit to Liverpool to see the Sickert exhibition at the Walker Gallery and a ride on a Big Wheel.

After so long with not really being able to see friends, it was lovely to have a friend come to stay with me at the beginning of December. We spent the Saturday in Manchester visiting the Christmas Markets and developing a habit of drinking coffee in posh hotels. On the Sunday we headed over to Liverpool to visit the Sickert Exhibition at the Walker Gallery.

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Manchester Christmas Markets and the Covid Effect

I went to explore the Manchester Christmas Markets to see what effect Covid had had on them and discovered a new hobby of drinking coffee in posh hotels.

I’ve written about the Manchester Christmas Markets before and I’ve always claimed they are the best Christmas Markets in the country. Ok, I’ve not been to them all, but I’ve been to enough to call it.

I didn’t get to go last year, because Covid, so was extra excited about them this year, especially as I was going to be taking a friend who had never been to them before. Of course, I was a little concerned they might not live up to my usual expectations, after all there’s the Brexit effect to be considered as well as the Covid effect, but I still held out a lot of hope. So, did they excite and delight? Or were they more of a damp squid?

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