Exploring the National Museum of Scotland

From Bonnie Prince Charlie’s cutlery to Dolly the sheep and from Lewis Chessmen to the St Ninian’s hoard, here are 9 reasons why exploring the National Museum of Scotland should be part of your Scotland itinerary.

The National Museum of Scotland might not be high on your list of must-sees when you visit Edinburgh, but you really should try to find the time to squeeze a visit in.

Here are 9 reasons why you should explore the National Museum of Scotland.

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Exploring Edinburgh’s Coffee Shops

Get the lowdown on 9 very different coffee shops: there’s one in a crypt, one in Scotland’s oldest department store, one in library and one in a centre for Spiritualism. I also found coffee shops with Harry Potter and Outlander connections.

As I was in Edinburgh for the Festival and the Tattoo I spent most of my time dashing from place to place leaving little time for really exploring the the city’s coffee and foodie scene. However, as I do need coffee to function most days and I do like sitting in quirky coffee shops and people watching, I did aim to try at least one ‘interesting’ coffee shop each day. What I found made me realise I do need to spend more time exploring Edinburgh’s coffee shops as this city has a whole lot to offer on the cafes and coffee shops front.

Grab yourself a coffee and settle in while I share my findings with you.

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Beginner’s Guide to the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo

A kaleidoscope of colour and a cacophony of sound – everyone should go to the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo at least once in their life.

This year I was lucky enough to go to the Edinburgh Military Tattoo for the first time. It’s one of those things I’ve always intended going to, but during the dates it’s on I’m either far too north or in a completely different country. This summer I did things a bit differently and built in a few weeks holiday based around Edinburgh so I could go to the Festival and the Tattoo.

I’ve only ever heard people talk about how wonderful it is and not once come across anyone disappointed with it, so I was expecting it to be good. But you know what? Even with my expectations already high, I was still blown away by it. It’s one of those things that you really have to experience to appreciate it properly. If I lived in Edinburgh or if it was at a different time, I’d go every year.

In case you’re planning to go next year, or even if you’re not sure what the Tattoo actually is and are wondering if it’s something you might fancy doing one day, read on for my Beginner’s Guide to the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo.

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