Visiting Mary Shelley’s Grave

Mary Shelley’s grave is in a beautiful churchyard in Bournemouth. Don’t let the tranquillity fool you though – there’s some gory history to be found here.

Did you know that Mary Shelley, author of the novel, Frankenstein, is buried in Bournemouth? I found this out when doing some research for my trip to Dorset. I was going to be at a conference in Bournemouth, but always want to make time to see a few things even when I’m somewhere for work reasons. On one of the days, I had an early breakfast and on the way to the conference centre made a detour to the graveyard at St Peter’s Church. Visiting Mary Shelley's Grave. Exterior of the church.
St Peter’s Church
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The Hardy Tree in Old St Pancras Burial Ground

Just behind St Pancras Station there’s an old burial ground with lots of history and lots of literary connections. And a very macabre tree.

I’m off to Dorset at Easter. Mainly for a conference but, as it’s a beautiful part of the country and as I’m off work, it would be a wasted opportunity if I didn’t tag on a few days’ holiday.

Thinking of Dorset has made me think of Thomas Hardy.

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