An Afternoon at the Russell-Cotes Museum

OMG!!! is what I have to say about Bournemouth’s Russell-Cotes Museum. And I’m not a person who says OMG.

Bournemouth’s Russell-Cotes Museum was such a lovely surprise. I’d put it on my list of things to do whilst I was in Bournemouth just because it was a thing to do. I didn’t know what to expect from it, but fortunately that has never stopped me wanting to explore somewhere new. I knew it was a museum and I knew it was in an old house, both things I like, so I was expecting to enjoy it. What I wasn’t expecting was to be so completely wowed by it.

An Afternoon at the Russell-Cotes Museum.
Image of large turreted house. The house is cream coloured and has lots of bay windows and balconies. It is seen across a lush garden.
This is the entrance way – what a fabulous first-view it is!

I walked round with eyes wide, jaw on the floor, and finger clicking away on my phone taking a zillion pictures. None of which really do it justice because it’s one of those places you have to see with your own eyes to believe.

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